Extra-virgin olive oil D.O.P. "Hills of Brindisi"
This is a Masseria Maccarone extra-virgin olive oil renowned for its outstanding flavour. The D.O.P. certification (Denominazione di Origine Protetta) ensures that the extra virgin olive oil is produced from Masseria Maccarone olives and that every stage of production including bottling or canning is within the olive oil mill of Masseria Maccarone. The D.O.P. is certified by an external certification consortium with laboratory and panel tasting test facilities, which guarantees for consumers the extra virgin olive oil is of the highest quality and is totally produced from Masseria Maccarone olives. Testing procedures are controlled by BIOAGRICERT and are guaranteed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry under Article 10 of Reg. EEC 2081/92.
Production region
Marina di Savelletri - Puglia - Italy
Olive Trees and olive varieties cultivate
Ogliarola (alberi secolari 1200 d.c.), Coratina, Carolea, Picholine, Frantoio and Cima di Melfi
Luxuriant density
Yellow and green hues
Sweet with Carob; Almond; Citrus aftertaste
With characteristics of palate enhancing extra virgin taste, it can enrich all soup flavours, tempers strong tasting dishes, raw and cooked, moderates savoriness of meats and grilled fish.